Hey welcome! You just stumbled into the website of P2P (Play2pk). We are a clan who specializes in pking noobs in the wilderness. Even though we specialize in pking, our clan frequently do fun events like clan wars, mod hunting, and our favorite: Death Matching.

So please join us by registering with the site. If you register and join the clan I guarantee you will have loads of fun!

If you are a member already just log in!!

Join the forum, it's quick and easy

Hey welcome! You just stumbled into the website of P2P (Play2pk). We are a clan who specializes in pking noobs in the wilderness. Even though we specialize in pking, our clan frequently do fun events like clan wars, mod hunting, and our favorite: Death Matching.

So please join us by registering with the site. If you register and join the clan I guarantee you will have loads of fun!

If you are a member already just log in!!
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Sunday August 2: Play2Pk Website Status and Updates

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Sunday August 2: Play2Pk Website Status and Updates Empty Sunday August 2: Play2Pk Website Status and Updates

Post by Silvergirl59 Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:59 am

Current Status of Site: I am pleased to say that the play2pk site has come a long way! About 8 people signed up this past week, which is awesome. I am hoping there will be close to 50 people joining Very Happy

Future Plans: Wow, I can't believe how popular this site is already! Since I'm your web designer I am in charge of all the modifications to the site to make it even better. Here are some of my ideas that I am planning to work on over the next few weeks:

-Integrate-An awesome banner to represent our clan
-more interactive buttons with help of Jetlidude2 (replace text links for cleaner pro look Very Happy)

Even though I am the web master, I cannot do everything my self. Here are some ways to help the clan and save me time Very Happy

-Write guides on how to pk/fight
-Give encouragements
-Spread site name in the clan chat
-Get to know one another
-Give suggestions and feedback!

Posts : 104
Points : 5661
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2009-06-19
Age : 30
Location : North Pole

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